Ecology Services
Flora and Fauna Surveys
Generally speaking, there are two types of fauna survey methods, (1) Generic, and (2) Targeted species specific. The generic fauna survey methods involve a collection of methods that aim to provide a near-complete inventory of terrestrial fauna species.
Development within a mapped ‘high-risk area’ for the Protected Plants Survey Trigger Map, requires a detailed flora survey in accordance with the Nature Conservation Act 1992 to determine whether a clearing permit is required.
Protected Plant Surveys

Vegetation Surveys
Vegetation surveys are used to conduct Regional Ecosystem classification and plant identification. Vegetation can be assessed to identify each site’s regional ecosystem, to confirm existing mapping make changes to mapping.

Regional Ecosystem Surveys
Regional ecosystem classification refers to vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a particular combination of geology, landform, and soil. Assessment of regional ecosystems in the field includes identifying the dominant species and structural formation of the vegetation..

Property Maps of Assessable Vegetation
We can provide your development project with PMAV to either amend a vegetation management map so that clearing can occur without a permit, or to amend a regional ecosystem map from an of‐concern or endangered regional ecosystem to reduce the legislative requirements of a development application.
Threatened Species Targeted Surveys
Targeted fauna survey methods focus on conservation significant species that are unlikely to be detected effectively during the generic surveys due to cryptic behaviour or localised habitat requirements. Targeed surveys for species are based on the ecology, habitat requirements, and behavioural aspects of the target species.

Pre-clearance Surveys
Pre-Clearance Ecological Surveys are required to determine the risk to habitats associated with vegetation clearance. Pre-clearance surveys include an initial desktop review of the relevant environmental databases and maps to identify any potential ecological values. Pre-clearance field surveys may include both flora and fauna assessments.